Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Feeling Good...

I recently had an argument with some friends about actions, loyalties and trust. Oddly enough, while I was supposedly the one in the wrong, everything about my actions, loyalties and trust were honest, just not to the person it was intended for. See, I was silly enough to assume that your friends would listen to you vent about others you had issues with rather than accuse you of talking behind backs.

See, I never lied, I was honest about every accusation, and attempted to clear my name, even if no one talked to me.

I noticed though that since not talking to them, I feel happier and more relieved than I thought I would. Probably because I didn't do anything wrong, I was just being human.
I can't say I miss them, because honestly, I don't. I feel whatever the weight was that I was feeling and unhappiness, is all gone. Don't get me wrong, I had a blast when I was hanging out with them and cherish those times, but I'm feeling okay with not being a part of the group... also because I already know they don't want me to be, you just accept things as they are.

I feel good.

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